Jožef Stefan Institute Apps

Animal App 1.3
Animal App helps you to recognize differenttypes of animal species based on the sound they produce. We focuson Slovenian birds, bumblebees, frogs and cuckoos.Recognition works like Shazam for animals. For best results youneed to provide good quality recordings (as little noise aspossible).Our aim is to get the correct animal type in the top three of thoselisted. Users can also upload their recordings and furthercontribute to the better learning dataset.Instructions:1) Choose animal species.2) Record it with our app.3) Connect to the internet and click recognize.4) After processing the three best results will appear on thescreen.
Metis 1.2
V slovenskih šolah se srečujemo z razmeromavisokim osipom dijakov (11 %) in študentov (60 %). Študije kažejo,da so razlogi za pojav učnih težav osebnostne, vedenjske inčustvene narave, kar se pogosto odraža na številne načine – odnezbranosti, pomanjkanja motivacije za šolsko delo, do slaborazvitih učnih navad.Aplikacija Metis je inovativno in sistematično orodje za celotenproces izvajanja učnih ukrepov, ki pripomorejo k izboljšanjušolskega uspeha učenca.Učenec program ukrepov spremlja preko mobilnega telefona, kisluži tudi kot vmesnik za posredovanje opomnikov, pohval, napredkain doseganja ciljev programa.
Mobility Patterns 0.0.15
partially sponsored from an EU project Optimum(, this app is meant to collect anddetect personal movements and patterns of it's users. Initially theapplication will do just detection, then it will gradually convertto the proactive travel assistant application. The data collectedthrough the initial version of the application, will be used forresearch and AI/ML methods to better serve the users later. Longeryou have it, better the benefits.
Flex4Grid GUI 1.3.4
The Flex4Grids GUI app is the official userinterface for participants in the Flex4Grids programme. This appallows participants to view and manage devices they have connectedto Flex4Grids plugs.
e-osu 1.0.0
Sensor, graphing and notification pushingapplication that can operate with VIDEK IoT platform and NodeRED.The application needed to interact with VIDEK as input andoutput module. The output module was supposed to be represented bythe notification system on the mobile device via PUSH messages. Theinput module are the sensors on the device.
Green Button Journey 1.1.5
Button up! It‘s time to save our planet!
VideoLectures.NET 1.0.5
The world's biggest academic online video repository with 24,792video lectures.